This game gave me some very, very strong feelings.
What I liked:
- This is a masterpiece of visual storytelling. The player is given no context, only a very urgent and dire circumstance, and is left to figure out what is happening on their own. There's just enough detail given that conclusions can easily be drawn, but still a strong sense of mystery.
- Outstanding aesthetics. The blend of cartoony and realistic art is startling. This game pull no punches with the sound effects and the kills. Especially the children crying and enemies wailing as they die. An absence of music makes the game particularly chilling and serious. This is way darker than most games rated "M" here.
-The sneaking is intense. It's a bit unpredictable and the stakes are extremely high. I had moments where I was freaking out even while unseen.
-A lot of difficult choices to be made, partly because of the small inventory space and high difficulty, partly because of the presence of children among the enemies.
-Game is intuitive enough to figure out as you go. Strength in simplicity.
What I believe should change:
-Tutorial. I skipped it.
-Shooting is not worth it. After the halfway point, It's almost never worth it to kill a guard and render an area virtually impassable with many alerted enemies. To say nothing of the extremely high chance of being chased down immediately, even if I retreat to an area with no enemies. Bullets also use up valuable inventory space. As it currently is, I only keep one bullet and chuck the rest because shooting gets me killed more often than not.
-Gun pigs are vastly overpowered. They can take most of the player's health from long range (sometimes off the screen). Because shooting is so loud, it's difficult to hit the same enemy twice without either getting shot back, or gutted by enemies alerted by the gunshot. And there are a *lot* of them. Taking the first shot is already a huge risk. Why a second one?
-The player's only option if discovered is exiting the area. If lots of knife enemies are around or a gun pig shows up during the chase, it's pretty much over. Getting spotted away from an exit area is going to kill or cripple the player because leaving the zone is that difficult.
-"Survival" sections are heavily RNG-based. The third zone I was unable to pass, because there was a gapless vertical wall of pigs with knives and guns, so sneaking wasn't an option and even careful sniping got me killed in short order. I quit at that point because the above complaints aren't something I can bypass with skill. All I could do is pray to the RNG to leave enough holes for me to sneak through without fighting.
Changes to address these:
-Proper tutorial.
-I would make shooting useful by allowing the player to shoot while discovered. That way it could be a last-ditch measure to stop charging knife pigs to cover an escape. That'd make it useful to actually keep bullets in the inventory outside of the "survive" sections. I understand the developer may want to encourage running when being chased, but I think using up inventory space and alerting even more enemies is enough a severe enough drawback that shooting remains balanced. This would also give the player an option besides simply making a beeline for the zone exit.
-I would change the gun pigs to die in one hit like everyone else, hit for a little under half the player's health (still very deadly, but not an insta-kill if already wounded), and reduce their range a little bit so they need to be visible on the screen to shoot.
-Guarantee at least one valid sneaking route during "survival" zones so the player isn't forced to murder their way through if the RNG is unkind. It can be kind of tight, but should be doable without perfect sneaking skills.
Additional suggestions:
-I think, instead of always simply collapsing, it would even be more shocking if wounded pigs sometimes crawled or struggled in silence at the end of their lives.
-As an anti-frustration feature, prevent the player from shooting if they're not aiming at an enemy. Bullets are highly limited and shooting is very likely to get the player killed. A missed shot is often a death sentence, especially against gun pigs.
Speculation on the game plot: (by no means authoritative)
Given the following:
-The enemies are not heavily armed (many unarmed pigs, many only with knives) and seem loosely organized.
-The enemies bring along their children and keep them close.
-The enemies recognize and *immediately* attack the player character on sight, or immediately alert someone who will. There is no questions about affiliation or taking prisoners, it's purely killing on sight. This is also despite the player character having no distinguishing characteristics other than a backpack.
-There are corpses in the forest, left to rot where they fell.
-Children and unarmed pigs do not charge the player, so this isn't like a zombie plague that makes people aggressive. I believe all the enemies are murdering entirely of their own volition.
My interpretation is this a Rwanda-like genocide. The enemies are for the most part decidedly not soldiers. They are civilians who are killing another ethnic group. That's why civilians are attacking other pigs without hesitation. The two player characters and the bodies they find while hunting are all part of the victimized ethnic group. I feel like that's pretty much the only realistic explanation for the situation. Again, all speculation, but I think the evidence is pretty strong here.
Overall, great game. Left one hell of an impression on me. I give it 4.5/5 because I while feel some aspects of the difficulty are justified, others, like the ones I listed, seem out of the player's reasonable control.